Dee Ferrero, CEO / Publisher
Media9 Enterprises
Under the umbrella of Media 9 Enterprises, Ms.Ferrero is the CEO/Publisher of several businesses including: Western Massachusetts Women Magazine, The Hartford County Women Magazine, Media 9 Marketing Associates.

In 2022 She started a new organization “LEADERSHIP LADIES” Breakfast Groups that are currently in South Carolina, Northern Connecticut and Upstate South Carolina. Plans are to have chapters across the USA.This group of professional women meet for breakfast once a month to assist, resource and mentor women in new and prospective businesses. All proudly women owned & operated businesses, The organization invites guest speakers, and welcomes all women to their events.
In 2011 she added an event to the magazines called “Women to Watch USA.” This event is held yearly in the fall by Media 9 Enterprises. Sponsors give scholarships to continuing education women who want to work to support themselves and their families but.. need more education to do so. Ballots in twenty five types of jobs are published in the magazine where the public gets to nominate and vote on their favorite person in that business. An award event is held for the winners, and a silent auction is also held.
Affiliations, Awards, Education and Future Plans
Ms. Ferrero is a Past President of the Agawam Massachusetts Small Business Center, Past President of the Greater Springfield Massachusetts Business and Professional Women’s Club and is a Past President of the Women Business Owners Alliance of Pioneer Valley MA.(WBOA)
Ms Ferrero has served as Vice President of the West of the River Chamber of Commerce in Western MA., and has served on the Board of Directors for the South Carolina “Dress for Success” program, The Valley Press Club and the Springfield Technical Community College Business Advisory Board in Springfield Massachusetts.
Ms. Ferrero is a member of several organizations including the The National Free Press Association, the Press Club of Pioneer Valley, the Women Business Owners Alliance, The National Association of Professional Women, “Who’s Who” in Massachusetts Professional Women, the Ct. Women’s Council, and the Connecticut Press Club.
Ms.Ferrero has received several honors including The Women Business Owner’s Alliance “Business Woman of the Year 2011” in South Carolina, “The Unsung Heroin” State of Massachusetts award, A “Woman of Distinction” award from WEIB -FM Radio and the “Women In Business” National Organization Grand Salon for her work with non- traditional women in educational scholarships, The establishment of “The Top 25 Women to Watch” annual event and her community involvement.
A graduate of Bay Path College Longmeadow MA, She is currently an online student at Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia, and also Clemson University in Clemson South Carolina.
Ms. Ferrero will be launching a new publication “South Carolina Women Magazine” in May of 2023.
Ms. Ferrero lives in upstate South Carolina with her husband Michael and their dog “Gino”